
Renรฉ Fahrengruber

Brendan Sexton
Brendan Sexton

Renรฉ Fahrengruber

Trail Runner

What does your standard training week involve?
I'm running seven times a week. My standard training involves everything. I run tempo runs as well as long runs, which can be seven hours long before a 100-mile race. Five times a week I also do strength training and there is stretching on a daily basis.

Where is your favorite place to train?
My favourite running venue is in the Austrian province Tirol called Pitztal because of the high alpine terrain and very technical single trails. Unfortunately I do not get there that often.

What is your favorite 2XU garment? When do you use it and why?
Compression Performance Sock โ€“ it provides additional support for the ankle area and the feet itself feel fresh.

What is your favourite training accessory?
The Fenix 3 from Garmin. Since I have all important data, such as Heart rate monitor, altimeter, distance information, speed, and more, which are essential for my training and competition.

What has been the toughest experience in your career and what did you learn from it?
In 2014 I twisted my ankle during a training running downhill! A brief moment of inattention, and it had happened. Therefore I could not race two very important competitions. I've learned from it, never to be distracted by something and to be focused always 100%.

What motivates you to train and race harder?
The focus on the next competition motivates me tremendously always to train harder. But the biggest motivation in a contest is my family waiting in the target on me!

Describe your diet/meal plan leading up to a big race:
If the race is on a Friday, then I stop eating carbohydrates on the Saturday before it. As of Monday evening very high carbohydrate meals are on schedule. On race day I take my last large meal four hours before the start to me.

How do you balance your training and racing life with life outside the sport?
It is a big challenge to get family, work, friends and training under one roof. This requires good time management. Of course you have to compromise on many things. But if one has reached his goal, and all rejoice with you, then you know you have got the right mix.

What type of nutritional supplement do you find most helpful (either for training or competition)?
After each workout I take a drink of electrolyte from "Melsan sports". After a hard unit I take BCAA's of "Sponser". In competition, I take a gel every hour a salt pill of "Sponser" and every three hours BCAA's.

Best and worst thing about being a professional athlete:
I love to train hard. I love the competition and to test my limits and beyond. Trail Running is for me a lifestyle not a sport! Therefore, there is no bad day for me. I just enjoy every day that I can train.

In five years time, I'll be:
At UTMB, Swiss Irontrail T201, Tor des Geants and race several other 100 mile races.


  • 2015 9th Magredi Mountain Trail (100 mile / 7000 D+)
  • 2015 6th Stanzer Trailrunn (47 kilometer / 1900 D+)
  • 2015 10th Hochkรถnig Man (85 kilometer / 5600 D+)
  • 2014 6th Pitztal Trail Maniak (95 kilometer / 7000 D+)
  • 2014 10th Veitscher Border Relay Run (54 kilometer / 2060 D+)
  • 2014 1st Via Natura Ultratrail (173 kilometer / 6500 D+)
  • 2013 - 6th Magredi Mountain Trail (100 mile / 7000 D+)
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